cloud software

Cloud Software

Business Efficiency & Security

In today’s fast-paced business environment, cloud software has emerged as a transformative force; offering scalability, flexibility, and cost savings. jigsaw kloud specialises in helping clients harness the power of cloud solutions for storage, productivity, security and more; ensuring businesses can focus on growth without the constraints of traditional IT infrastructure.

Cloud storage

Cloud storage solutions provide businesses with a secure, accessible platform for data storage and collaboration. Here’s a quick overview of what’s available:

  • Dropbox: Offers 2GB of free storage, ideal for small-scale storage needs.
  • Google Drive: 15GB free, facilitating collaboration with Google Workspace.
  • Microsoft OneDrive : 5GB free, seamlessly integrates with Office 365.
  • Sync: 5GB free, plus zero-knowledge encryption for enhanced security.
  • Filen: Also zero-knowledge encryption but twice as nice with 10GB free storage.

Choosing the right cloud storage depends on your business, security, and collaboration needs. Each platform offers unique features beyond just storage capacity, such as file versioning, shared folders, and integration with productivity tools.


Zoho Suite and Microsoft 365 stand out for their comprehensive set of tools that cater to various business functions:

  • Zoho Suite offers a CRM, Mail, Invoice, and Vault apps, streamlining workflow and data management with free plans, ideal for small businesses.

  • Microsoft 365 offers enterprise-level email via Outlook and access to the Office suite. With per-user pricing, there is  50% discount for charities.

Adopting these productivity suites not only enhances operational efficiency but also ensures that teams can collaborate effectively, regardless of their physical location.


Navigating the digital landscape requires robust security measures. For Windows 11 users, Windows Defender provides comprehensive protection. However, for added security or non-Windows users, Avast offers reliable antivirus protection without the system slowdown associated with McAfee and Norton. Additionally, Malwarebytes Premium guards against malware, ransomware, and other threats, leveraging the cloud for real-time updates and protection.

Social Media and Conferencing

Social media platforms and video conferencing tools like YouTube and Zoom have become indispensable for businesses looking to expand their reach and facilitate remote work. These tools offer cost-effective ways to engage with large audiences, host video content, and conduct meetings from anywhere in the world.

Despite their many advantages, cloud solutions are not without security concerns. However, by adopting best practices for data security and leveraging the robust security protocols of cloud providers, businesses can significantly mitigate these risks.

Cloud and Clear Advantage

Cloud software is more than a technological upgrade; it’s a strategic tool that accelerates business innovation and operational excellence. By embracing cloud solutions, businesses can enjoy enhanced efficiency, improved security, and the agility to adapt to market changes swiftly.

jigsaw kloud is committed to guiding businesses through the digital transformation journey, ensuring they can leverage the full potential of cloud software. For a deeper dive into securing your business data in the cloud, explore Data Security.

Ready to transform your business with cloud software?
Contact jigsaw kloud today for expert advice and support.


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