Design – Build
Host – Maintain

You’ve decided your business needs a website. Great! But where to start?

For many business owners, the thought of organising a website can be daunting. Often, the first question is: how much will it cost?

It depends how big and complicated it will be. If you just want a landing page with information about your business and products/services, a contact form and blog section, it will cost $749/£599. If you don’t want a blog, you’ll pay $499/£399. Both options require you to provide the logo, content and images. 

We also design logos, bespoke graphics and business cards, and set up business email accounts to ensure your business looks the business.

Initial Consultation

The process starts with an initial consultation with the client to understand their goals, target audience, and specific needs. This is conducted via Zoom or over the phone. The aim is to understand the client’s vision and requirements.

Proposal and Agreement

Based on the initial consultation, we will draft a proposal outlining the project scope, timeline and cost. This includes the design and build process, plus any additional services like SEO, content creation, and ongoing maintenance. Once both parties agree, the project commences.

Research and Planning

After the agreement, we conduct thorough research on the client’s industry, competitors, and target market. This helps in planning the website’s structure, features, and user experience. We may also develop wireframes and site maps during this phase.


The design phase involves creating visual representations of the website. We create mock-ups to show how the website will look. This phase often includes several rounds of feedback and revisions to ensure the design aligns with the client brand and goals.

Content Creation

While the design is being finalised, the client needs to provide content or work with us to create it. This includes text, images, videos, and any other media that will be featured on the site. High-quality content is crucial for engaging visitors and improving SEO.


Once the design is approved and content is ready, the development phase begins. We build the website using Elementor, the leading WordPress website builder. We will integrate necessary functionalities like e-commerce, contact forms, and a blog section that the client can update once the site is completed.

Testing and Launch

Before launching, the website undergoes thorough testing to ensure it works correctly across different browsers and devices. This phase includes checking for bugs, broken links, and ensuring the site is responsive across devices and performs well in terms of speed and usability. Our designs aim to deliver a stylish User Interface (UI) – how the site looks, and a pleasant User Experience  (UX) – how easy the site is to use. After successful testing, the website is launched. 

H O S T   &   M A I N T A I N

After the website goes live, we provide hosting (that guarantees 99.9% uptime) and maintenance services, which includes regular updates, backups, performance monitoring, and addressing any issues that arise. If required, we can provide training to manage and update your new website.

To find out how we can help your business, please contact us.